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International Weight Loss Coach using Cognitive Behavior Therapy to create lasting change. Lifestyle and Weight Loss Coaching with Vickie Hubbard for $75 a month

What do you have to lose? DO YOU:

Have the desire for change but don’t know where or how to start?

Start your day or week off the “right way” but then find yourself faltering under stress, boredom or fatigue?

Need the tools to create real positive change but don’t know which ones?

Whether you need to lose just a little, or a little more, you can expect the following:

A personalized plan to get your fitness and wellness routine under control for the first 30 days and strategies for behavior change, stress reduction and healthy eating opportunities. A YEAR FROM NOW YOU WILL WISH YOU STARTED TODAY.

Vickie Hubbard's Pain Free Living /Corrective Exercise Therapy for Every Body

Attention athletes, weekend warriors or want to be fit fans:

Do you suffer from weak back, achy knees, stiff hips or sore shoulders and neck?  Then Coach Vickie's Pain Free system will help you learn exercises and systems to get back to yourself! Pain Free Program Includes: Postural Assessment to determine weak/tight areas of the body.  Four-Tiered Exercise Program Design to work with to correct issues.  Follow Up Session(s) to Progress Strength and Flexibility Vickie's programs are doctor referred.  Pain Free can also be used with Flex/HSA spending insurance accounts. Start for only $75

Live well at the speed of Life! VICTORIA HUBBARD NASM CPT/CES, ACE BCS/WMS 

Living Well Ventures (619) 206-5970

Training for Seniors with Rudy Spencer

Helps ease arthritis, improve cardiovascular health, helps to prevent type II diabetes. 
Help prevent hypertension or improve current hypertension.
Helps with depression and helps to improve your overall quality of life. 
Program will include a collection of exercises for mobility, strength, cardio, and core. We will meet 2 times a week. 

Rudy Spencer's Customized Stretching & Foam Rolling $1.50 per minute

Call or text Rudy for an appointment (858)774-5944

2025 Guest Passes
Each year, 24 passes are automatically added to your club account. Unused passes from past years do not roll over. 
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